Testing for sleep apnea at home is a quick, affordable way to determine whether you have breathing problems. A very basic breathing monitor is worn during a home sleep apnea test to track your breathing, oxygen levels, and breathing effort. It falls short of capturing everything that is observed during an overnight sleep study. A more thorough analysis of sleep problems is provided by overnight sleep studies. They are supervised by a sleep technologist and record a lot more signals, such as leg movements, muscle tone, and sleep-related brainwaves. An overnight sleep study at a sleep centre may be preferable for people with specific heart, breathing, or neuromuscular issues.

If you experience any of the following symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, you should consider getting an at-home sleep apnea test:

A sleeping companion informing the authorities that you snore, snort, or gasp

disturbed slumber

Daytime slumber

Schedule appointment


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